Still finding my groove…

Almost 8 years ago, I wrote an article for an online yoga site called Elephant Journal. At the time, I was busy raising two kids and balancing my yoga and music with all my responsibilities of raising kids and running a household. I was always trying to wedge in all the things I loved to do around others’ schedules. Finding my own groove seemed really important then.

Today, the kids are out on their own and finding their own groove. And not surprising, my grooves have changed! That is what is so amazing about our time on this earth. We change. We grow. We realize one door will close and another one will open. Our “groove” changes over time.

That’s why finding and embracing your groove at every stage is so important. My groove today is to empower people to find time in their busy lives to stop and reflect on all that is present in their lives. That might include a yoga practice that awakens their body, heart, mind, and spirit. That might include starting a new health and fitness plan that helps them feel better every day! It also means that I continue to teach and share my music! Whatever that groove is, it is special to you, and it always waiting there for you to explore. Go ahead, get back into rhythm. Find your newest groove!

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